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Archive for 'Olive Oil'

Spain and olive oil, more than 260 reasons for all the buzz

In Spain 262 varieties of olives are cultivated, although only 24 are used regularly in the production of oils. The 262 varieties are grouped into four categories: principal, secondary, dispersed and local. The names are associated normally with diverse characteristics, such as the name of the tree, the form of the leaf, area of production. […]

What you (probably) didn’t know about olive oil from Spain

Spain is the FIRST (…yes you read well) olive oil country in the world both in cultivated surface, as well as production of olive oil. Spain has 5.559.750 acres of olive groves, which produce an annual average of 650.000 Tm of olive oil (aprox. 710,000,000 liters). The olive grove surface extends across almost one third […]